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Sunday, August 19, 2012

Perseid Meteor Shower 8/11

I know this post is so, so late from when I promised it, and I apologize!  This past week was my last of summer break, and on the two days I didn't spend working, I lounged on the couch all day knitting.  Call me lazy and a hermit, but it was much needed.  :)  I knit up a pair of gorgeous gloves, and I will be sharing pictures in a few days (with the new lens I got last week!  Finally I have one that works right).

None of the meteors made it into these pictures, but they're still pretty to look at.  In the shots with the moon, Jupiter is visible (the really bright star above and to the right of the moon), as well as the Pleiades (more commonly known as The Seven Sisters).  You can see them toward the top of the frame.  And if you're wondering, in the last picture, the stars appear as lines (even though the photo is in focus) because of the Earth's rotation around them.  Did anyone else sacrifice sleep for this amazing meteor shower?  I'll leave you with one of my favorite jokes: astronomy is looking up.  ;)  xx

currently listening to.... Breathe Me - Sia

1 comment:

  1. GORGEOUS!!! I love nature and live in the night, it's my favorite time of day.


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