sweater & necklace | forever 21 jacket | christmas gift; free people boots & legwarmers | madden girl
I wore this darling outfit to a friend's going-away-party on Wednesday night, which was a treat! She's moving to Idaho so I won't see her for a while. But it gives me an excuse to drive up there and shred some slopes. ;) (I've been snowboarding for seven years!)
It happened on accident, but this outfit ended up as such: black boots with gold studs, black purse with a gold chain, black jacket with gold zippers, gold necklace, and gold makeup. Pretty awesome. And then there's this fabulous red, statement sweater! I picked it up for $6 at Forever 21 this week - it's one of the three on-sale sweaters I mentioned in this post.
The other thing is this jacket: my mom gave it to me for Christmas, and I totally hated it, but then she made me put it on with this outfit, and it ended up fitting with it perfectly, so now I kind of like it. A little bit. ;) I'm still undecided, so what do you think? I'm not sure if it completely fits my style.. That's why I'm asking your opinion! Help a girl out! :) xx
currently listening to..// Tremble for my Beloved - Collective Soul
Your forever 21 shopping success makes me happy - and inspired to try on my own. Also, my conclusion on the necklace is that when it's a picture from the waist up it looks like a bit much, but the full shot it looks just right. So I think you've just got to mentally rock it :)